More International Students are being admitted to American Colleges

More International Students are being admitted to American Colleges

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Research Blog #5: Bibliography with Five Scholarly Sources

1. Abe, J. Talbot, D.M. Geelhoed, R.J. "Effects of a peer program on international student adjustment. Journal of College Student Development", 39, 539–47 (1998).

2. Chang, H.-B. "Attitudes of Chinese students in the United States. Sociology of Social Research", 58, 66–77 (1973).

3. Rajapaksa, S., & Dundes, L. "It’s a long way home: International student adjustment to living in the United States". Journal of College Student Retention, 4, 15-28 (2002)

4. NAFSA: Association of International Educators. "The economic benefits of international students to the U.S. economy academic year 2011-2012". (2012)

5. Douglass, John Aubrey. “International Berkeley: Enrolling International Students Yesterday and Today, Debates on the Benefits of Multicultural Diversity, and Macro Questions on Access and Equity”. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.3.14 (March, 2014).

6. Elliott, M. A., C.J. Armitage, & C.J. Baughan. "Drivers’ compliance with speed limits: An application of the theory of planned behavior." Journal of Applied Psychology 88 (2003): 964-972.

7. Fischer, K. “Colleges adapt to new kinds of students from abroad: Younger, sometimes less-experienced students require more academic and social support.” The Chronicle of Higher Education (2011).

8. Fishbein, M., & Ajzen , I. “Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research.” (1975).

9. Ota, Akiko, "Factors Influencing Social, Cultural, and Academic Transitions of Chinese International ESL Students in U.S. Higher Education." Dissertations and Thesis. Paper 1051. (2013).

10. Reisberg, L. “Why do we want international students?” Inside Higher Ed (July, 2012).

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